What is inner focus work?

We spend a lot of time thinking that we need to be better. We go to the gym, take supplements, stay hydrated, and watch what we eat. We work to improve our minds by taking classes and reading books. We want to make a good impression. All our efforts, however, can still leave us feeling unsatisfied or even lost. Why? We may be placing our eggs in the wrong basket. We may not realize that our wellbeing doesn’t just happen, it is something that we need to nurture.

So where do we start? Quite simply, we start on the inside and work our way out. We begin by recognizing that our lives are running on automatic pilot and we need to get in the driver’s seat. We can become more conscious and start to act on purpose, from a place of creativity, clarity, and confidence. What a surprise to find that our highest potential is right there inside of us!

My training comes from many years of supporting people, helping them to express themselves authentically instead of doubting themselves.

In addition to the traditional academic and clinical training as a speech and language pathologist which includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Disorders and a Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology, my work is also informed by a year long graduate level professional training in Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate, Positive Neuroplasticity Training with Rick Hanson, and most recently, Inner Relationship Focusing Training with Ann Weiser Cornell.

My work is also highly influenced by my study and practice of mindfulness, nondual spirituality, mindful meditation teacher training, and Master Level Reiki training.  I openly share my experience with my own inner work, which started later in life and continues to be a dedicated daily practice.  

I am not trained to diagnose mental health disorders or to treat complex clinical problems. If you are looking for professional help in that area, I encourage you to pursue that.

Paula L Sullivan


  • Working with Paula is an incredibly affirming experience. She has a very gentle way of holding space, acknowledging the difficulties and underlying the resources one holds. It is empowering, soothing and at the same time with just the right amount of challenge, so one can uncover their potential and embody it. Paula has a lot of experience working with children, so you will feel safe allowing your inner child to be seen. She is also passionate about growing up in a responsible way, so your adult will know when they need to be in charge. Last but not least, what makes Paula an extremely valuable partner on your way to accomplish the healing you are after, is her incredibly wise perspective on life, her inspiration and her tactfulness. I wouldn't hesitate to have her on my side in case I needed support."


  • Paula Sullivan is authentic as authentic gets. I would refer any individual looking to do this important type of inner work with Paula. She is a trusted, caring practitioner.

    -Jill Sylvester, LMHC, M.Ed.

  • Working with Paula has been very precious. Her compassionate approach allowed me to look into many behaviour patterns through the lens of the body. Her grounding practices helped me to be in the body and sense what wanted to be heard in each session. With her I have learned to honour the pace of my body and not force any outcome. This allowed me to feel safe to open up and listen to the bodily sensations and different parts of me. Getting to know these different parts and learning to appreciate each one of them has given me new ways to approach these parts outside the sessions. Many things that I have previously worked on have shifted during these sessions with her. I highly recommend her!


  • Working with Paula has been so inspiring. Paula has gifted me with the presence necessary to hold space for inner exploration. She has been so kind and generous and I am grateful for this experience. Her genuine interest and passion for inner work is what made me feel at ease and supported throughout this process. Working with Paula has been empowering, as it reminded and reconnected me to my own guidance system: my body.


You may want to work with me if you are looking to…

  •  Deal with overwhelming feelings

  •  Make a change or decision

  •  Find clarity in a difficult situation, event, or relationship

  •  Get unstuck and understand blocks

  •  Like and trust yourself more

  •  Better understand your actions, addictions, and intentions

  •  Make choices that you feel good about

Click here to find out more and to contact me.